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About us



We can not save the world if we don’t change it. (Harry Emerson Fosdick, American writer)

Become the change you want to see in the world. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Definite dreams are the projection of the life we want to live. We must let our dreams “draw” us, then they release creative power, which overcomes all the obstacles on the way to our goals.

Our mission

To act in such a way that everyone gives more time to achieve his/her own ends and fulfill his/her dreams without getting distracted by domestic concerns and troubles, and could start his/her way to the dream together with changing the space around him/her.

We purpose the only aim to produce innovative materials unique in the world.

Our products

Coating systems by “Asttika” are a ready-made solution for any surface in order to resolve any problem related to its exploitation. It makes the materials by “Asttika” indispensable at home, in industry, in construction work.

Our materials are easy to choose, easy to use, thus it is easy to get the desired result.

The materials by “Asttika” provide the maximum long-lasting protection of surfaces.

The materials by “Asttika” form a frame of mind enabling to achieve top results in your life.

Our quality

Our production plant is equipped with the most up-to-date outfit matching all industry standards. The manufacturing process is based on world-wide technologies and Substances of Content, which have been brought to perfection by our production engineers. We reproduce the standard quality 365 days a year.

The production plant disposes of its own certification laboratory where every batch of paintwork materials undergoes a 2-level test of conformity with the national standards. The close quality control is exercised with the assistance of leading European specialists. In order to achieve the desired top quality of our products, we make a careful selection among leading raw material suppliers.

Our team

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. (Michael Jordan)

Each of us is a professional in his/her field.

Each of us is a bright personality able to surprise and be surprised, listen to and hear, understand and explain, think, feel, look for answers and get over the difficulties.

We are a team united by the desire to change the world to the better.